Report of the Committee on its activities from 1 Sept. 2020 to 15 Sept. 2021

24 Sep 2021

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The Committee for Editorial Independence of the media house Economia has issued a summary report on its activities for the period from 1 September 2020 to 15 September 2021. During this period, the Committee did not find any case of affecting the editorial content of the titles published by the media house Economia by inappropriate interference by the shareholder. In advocacy of free media, the Committee focused on analyzing the state of media freedom in the Central European countries and decided to make an immediate contribution to its defense. Together with the Association of Independent Journalists, a network of leading journalists from Central and Eastern Europe, it published the report “Europe’s Free Press under Siege” highlighting the recent attacks on European media freedom, referring to the deteriorating situation in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia and calling on the European Commission to find mechanisms to help protect this most basic democratic right in all member states. The Committee supported the open letter to EC Vice-President Jourová, as well as open letters to Commissioners Breton and Reynders, in which the Association of Independent Journalists offered to meet EU officials to discuss ways they can provide support for practical solutions to secure media freedom.


Read the full report in the attached PDF.